Author Archive for bestwp7apps
Top 3 WP7 Apps for June 2011
Amazing games this month with the Must Have Windows Phone 7 Games series big names all coming out in June.
Well here is our humble choice for the top 3 together with some some special mentions. Which one is your preferred? Vote with the poll below or leave a comment…

Vevo for Windows Phone 7 Review
Vevo brings the best music videos to WP7, absolutely free, with a fantastic quality and a little commercial time to give in return for every video you watch…

Orientile review: connect the dots with style on WP7
Beautiful Mind Games publishes another great little game this month and is an immediate hit.

Angry Birds landed on Windows Phone 7 – Review
At last, after a series of (good) clones including Pandas vs. Ninjas and Chicks’n’Vixens, the original Angry Birds comes to close the Must Have Windows Phone 7 Games for this summer…

Angry Birds for Windows Phone 7 is here!
Just released a few minutes ago, the game of the century (and of the third millennium) is here.

MTV News for Windows Phone 7 review
MTV News brings one more news app and another big name on Windows Phone 7 at the same time.

Penguin for WP7: can’t stop playing this little game"
Penguin just got released a few days ago and is climbing the charts like a flying penguin (!)…

Plants Vs Zombies is here: the best WP7 Game yet?
One of the most anticipated games of the Must Have Xbox Live Games on Windows Phone 7 is Plants Versus Zombies and is finally here. Get ready to fight hordes of funny zombies attacking your green WP7 lawn and fight back with peas, cherries and potatoes!

WSJ: Microsoft has a viable smartphone contender
More Mango reviews are coming out from the web and blogsphere these days. After yesterdays’ positive review, today we have the Wall Street Journal praising the fruity update. The review, titled Mango Phone: a Peach of a Late Bloomer is again praising the next fall Windows Phone 7 update codenamed Mango. The lauds go [...]
This is my next in depth review of Mango published today a very detailed review of the upcoming Windows Phone 7 Mango release. Calling the phone exceptionally attractive and tagging the update as plugging holes more than changing things, the review is both deep and extensive, covering people hub, email and calendar as well as multi tasking, Bing Vision and photos. The final [...]

Evernote for Windows Phone 7: the best notes app is here
Evernote is one of the top notes app out there, allows you to store text, photo and audio for your notes and share it between your phone (Windows Phone, Android, iPhone), PC, slate and the web…

Danger Wing: great free shooter for WP7
Danger Wing is one of this month top releases: released on 6/1, at the time of writing is close to the top 50 and with 4.5 rating average.
Well, this is deserved: the debut app for Paul Hoenecke is a great mix of vertical shooter and comics fun.

Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I available on WP7
Part of the Must Have Windows Phone 7 Games series, Sonic has arrived on the WP7 platform, it’s running to get rings as usual and it’s fast… catch him If you can!

USA Today: one of the best news apps on Windows Phone 7
More and more big name-apps are showing up on WP7, this is again a sign of a healthy marketplace and a growing interest for Windows Phone – especially now that Mango features are considered to take WP7 at the level of iOS and Android.

geoDefense: one more hit for the Must Have WP7 Games series
The Windows Phone 7 Must Have series of Xbox Live Games continues this week with geoDefense. This is a tower defense game, as the title suggests, and possibly the best so far on WP7.

Cartoon TV: More toons on your WP7 phone on the go
A few weeks back we reviewed Kids TV, an app to view older cartoons on your WP7 straight from youtube channels. Cartoon TV is the same concept, but there is MUCH MORE CONTENT here than in Kids TV.

MLS Matchday 2011: follow your soccer team on WP7
Lower the volume of your Windows Phone 7 when you launch MLS Matchday 2011, or the fan’s chants will start filling in the air around you! MLS Matchday is your official guide through the 2011 MLS tournament.

Doodle Jump on Windows Phone 7 – BE WARNED: Insanely Addictive!
Doodle Jump has been our (and our kids) favorite pastime on iPhone for a long time. Now that our platform of choice is WP7 we are excited to see how the doodly jumpy being fares under the Xbox Live banner.

Top 3 Turn by Turn direction apps on Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone support for turn by turn navigation has definitely room for growth. As we wait for the Mango version coming out this fall, announced to support native voice narrated directions with the Bing Maps app, we have to settle for a limited selection of such apps on Windows Phone 7 today. Luckily in this [...]

Doodle Jump available on WP7 Marketplace
Just as of few minutes ago, the second game in the Must Have Windows Phone 7 Apps has been released. This is a mega hit on other phone platforms: Doodle Jump.