All Entries in the "Music and Video" Category

Vevo for Windows Phone 7 Review
Vevo brings the best music videos to WP7, absolutely free, with a fantastic quality and a little commercial time to give in return for every video you watch…

YouTube by Lazyworm: Best YouTube client for WP7?
Youtube is one of the top internet sites, and by far the top for video-watching. Anybody with a Windows Phone knows how inadequate the bundled Youtube app is – all it does is launch you back to a browser to view plain-jane Youtube web pages…

TVShow: what do you want to watch today with WP7?
Before using Windows Phone 7, we used to go to sites like to catch up on our favorite shows. Now that WP7 is here, we simply leave it to TV Show to be our personalized guide to television…

Kids TV: want to entertain your kids on WP7?
Need some TV for your kids on the go? Kids TV for Windows Phone 7 is there to help you. This snappy free WP7 app is a portal to kids’ favorite cartoons available online using WP7 You Tube app.
TuneIn Radio: the best radio experience on WP7, or… ever!
Get ready for Radio experience version 2. TuneIn Radio is a global radio service available also at that allows you to access thousands of radio stations worldwide.
Access local radio and remote stations wherever you are and with a modern user interface. TuneIn does a great job in integrating the Radio, the Internet and Social Networks to bring you the next level radio surfing.

MSN Video – best video app on WP7?
There are many video apps available for WP7 today; MSN Video is one of the best out there for both video selection and quality: a pleasure for the eyes of Windows Phone 7 owners…

Neurons for WP7: TED Talks in open source sauce
Neurons (Free) Neurons is a free app that brings you TED Talks and other interesting video series to your Windows Phone 7. TED is a series of conferences about “ideas worth spreading” where brilliant and engaging speakers present their ideas and topics in a maximum of 18 minutes to the audience. Famous speaks include Jamie [...]
Shazam for Windows Phone 7
Shazam (Free) Shazam is pure magic. If you know what I am talking about you have already pinned this science fiction app to your Windows Phone 7 start menu; otherwise, read this: Shazam will listen to a song for a few seconds, send it to a server, recognize it and tell you song title and [...]

Podcasts! review
Podcasts! (free app) Windows Phone 7 is no longer missing online podcast browsing and playing: Podcasts! is here to fill this gap! This is a simple, but powerful app that allows you to browse podcasts by category and search for specific ones. Select an episode and stream it: that’s all. Of course, both audio and [...]