All Entries in the "Best Rated Apps" Category

Fuse, an elegant RSS reader for WP7
Fuse is a functional and elegant RSS reader for WP7. The app comes with a trial option that is fully functional, but forgets your settings every once in a while, so you can have a full experience in your trial.

Danger Wing: great free shooter for WP7
Danger Wing is one of this month top releases: released on 6/1, at the time of writing is close to the top 50 and with 4.5 rating average.
Well, this is deserved: the debut app for Paul Hoenecke is a great mix of vertical shooter and comics fun.

USA Today: one of the best news apps on Windows Phone 7
More and more big name-apps are showing up on WP7, this is again a sign of a healthy marketplace and a growing interest for Windows Phone – especially now that Mango features are considered to take WP7 at the level of iOS and Android.

Cartoon TV: More toons on your WP7 phone on the go
A few weeks back we reviewed Kids TV, an app to view older cartoons on your WP7 straight from youtube channels. Cartoon TV is the same concept, but there is MUCH MORE CONTENT here than in Kids TV.
Solitaire for WP7: just like old Windows days
Have you spent countless hours on Solitaire for Windows? Yeah, tell us about it. Well, now you can waste more of your time on Windows Phone 7 with Solitaire by Jake Poznanski. The author of Word Search and Mars Runner is author of another best seller on WP7.

TVShow: what do you want to watch today with WP7?
Before using Windows Phone 7, we used to go to sites like to catch up on our favorite shows. Now that WP7 is here, we simply leave it to TV Show to be our personalized guide to television…
Wordament: it’s you vs. the internet on WP7
Wordament is a great game based on a very simple idea: find as many words as possible in 90 seconds on a 4 x 4 letter board. When time is over, compare your results with the other players out there and see how you rank.

Windows Phone Help: know everything about your WP7.
Windows Phone Help is just a great tool to discover the functionalities of your Windows Phone. If you remember Windows Phone Insider that we reviewed in February, the idea is the same, but the execution is more focused on content here.

Speed for WP7: a fun and fast paced card game.
Speed is a simple card game also known as Slam: move adjacent cards from your hands to on one of the two piles in the center, if you and your opponent can make the same move, the fastest one places the card. Continue until your deck is over and you placed all the cards.

Urban Dictionary 7: get your slang up to speed with WP7
Do you have Googleheimer? Are you gone postal? Ahhh … neologasmic . You have no idea what we are talking about? Neither did we, before using Urban Dictionary, a handy slang translator for Windows Phone 7.
Shuriken Ninja: master the art of ninja stars on WP7
Shuriken Ninja is a intriguing but simple ability game: tap your phone screen to throw Ninja stars at the targets; get all the targets in a level using the set of stars assigned and you are done. Stars ricochet on metal but stick on wood or similar material, so be careful!
Word Search for Windows Phone 7: king of word games.
Word Search is growing…growing…grown! It is number 12 in the top Windows Phone 7 apps, and it is a deserved spot.
This is a simple app… Search the words in the letter grid: up, down or diagonal, left to right or right to left.

Coding fun with WP7: Pex4Fun and TouchStudio
Want to learn coding? Know how to code and want to sharpen your skills? Used to know how to write code but forgot? You are the best coder ever and want to prove it? WP7 can help!

Alphajax: multiplayer word game climbing the WP7 charts
AlphaJax is climbing the charts and receiving great reviews as it stands out as one of the best examples of multiplayer games on Windows Phone 7 today.

Scoremobile: the best score app on WP7?
Want to know every score in every sport? With Scoremobile you can haz it on your Windows Phone – for free.

Windows Phone News: all the news about WP7 on your phone
Wanna know everything about WP7? The guys at Seles Games give you Windows Phone News, a news reader focused on feeds concerning our favorite phone OS.
WP7 News is based on the same engine as Weave…

APOD Viewer: one astronomy picture a day on WP7
APOD Viewer brings the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day to your Windows Phone 7: daily selected pictures (or videos) coming from NASA are directly available with this app…
NextWar: a gorgeous tower defense game for WP7
Being on vacation is tough to write Windows Phone 7 apps reviews, but it’s not hard to have fun with your WP7 phone, even on long flights, especially with NextWar: The Quest for Earth.
This is a great game, one that makes you lose sleep if you cannot beat a stage. The fictitious earth defense setup is an excuse for 10+ levels of prime quality, Geometry Wars-like graphics, exciting and challenging, tower defense game.

TaxCaster: preview your tax return with Windows Phone
TaxCaster (Free) [Growing.Apps] TaxCaster is a free app that allows you to quickly estimate how much money you are going to get back from the IRS this year. Intuit, the company that brings you TurboTax gives us this app for a quick estimate as well for a suggestion on which Turbo Tax edition better suit [...]

Machinima app: sweet gamer videos for Windows Phone
Besides being a great phone for games, WP7 has lots of treats for gamers. Machinima is the latest arrived in a series of apps like IGN, Game News Now, Daily Reach and Reach: Central that make the pure joy of console and pc gaming addicts.