Sound fun on WP7: South Park and Portal 2

Two unrelated sound apps have been released in the past few days: Portal 2 Soundbox, developed by SleepyMolecule and South Park Soundboard, developed by wouter997.

These apps have in common the sounds they enable on your Windows Phone 7: they are fun! (well at least for a while).

The South Park Soundboard features some super classic lines from Cartman (screw you guys, I am going home is our all time favorite) Chef (surprisingly on the front page) and the rest of the eight year old Denver gang.

Portal 2 Soundbox has many more characters and sounds, including the amazing Cave Johnson (if you cut yourself you might notice that your blood is turned into gasoline…) Wheatley, the Turrets (are you still there?) and GlaDOS.

We are unsure how the authors can get away with the publishing rights of these apps, but while they are available on the marketplace you should check them out, especially if you played the gorgeous Portal 2 recently or are a fan of the classic South Park; both apps offer some free fun, so why not?

South Park Soundboard (Free)
Fun lines from the Rated Mature kids’ cartoon, Cartman never gets old.
Portal 2 Soundbox (Free)
Great lines from the console game of the year (so far at least).

Filed Under: 3 StarsFeatured • New & Cool Apps

  • Kpdwan

    i love south park i hacked the site and got on the soundboard at school