Birdy Bounce review

Birdy Bounce ($ 0.99)
Get Birdy Bounce Windows Phone 7 App using Zune

Birdy Bounce is a no frills little app that will get you some fun time with your Windows Phone 7.
It takes the idea of the jumping birdie from Doodle Jump, a very successful game on both iOs and Android.

Birdy Bounce  Windows Phone 7 App - 6

The idea is pretty simple: a bouncy being (does not look like a bird!) jumps up on platforms, you control the birdie by tilting the phone left and right and try not to make it fall down; the higher you go, the more points you get. There are different types of platforms, some move, some break after one jump and some will kill you on contact.

The game is fast, responsive and very easy to pick up and play, but do not expect a lot of variety: compared with the mentioned game on the other phones, there are no enemies that you can shoot at, no rockets, ships or bouncy shoes to use.

Birdy Bounce is getting a lot of attention and positive reviews on the WP7 apps marketplace, with the free trial option available you should definitely check it out.

Birdy Bounce  Windows Phone 7 App - 0

Birdy Bounce  Windows Phone 7 App - 7

Birdy Bounce  Windows Phone 7 App - 5

Verdict (version reviewed:

Best Windows Phone 7 Apps score 3 out of 5

Birdy Bounce delivers quick fun gaming on Windows Phone 7, but lacks some depth; tap on the free trial option to check it out.

Get this app for Windows Phone 7 using Zune

Filed Under: Full ReviewsGames

  • karios

    If you think this game is good, think again. Monster Up was just releasead and it's light years ahead. Check it out here:

  • Anonymous

    Check out Bouncing cars

  • BestWP7Apps

    Bouncing Cars seems to have some potential as a kids game, but there is no Trial option, so it makes it hard to judge before you buy (even one dollar is money!). If you are the creator, I would suggest to add the Trial option.