Archive for November, 2010

GasBuddy Review
GasBuddy (free app) Gas Buddy is a great little app to help you save a few bucks on gas. Users can enter a target location or simply find gas around their current position. The app will list the gas stations close by (nearest first) with the gas price as reported by fellow users. Of course [...]
Study: Maybe Windows Phone apps aren’t so expensive after all
Techflash has an article today about the latest Distimo report on apps marketplaces. The prices of the Windows Phone 7 apps marketplace are analyzed and compared with iPad/iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile 6.5 marketplaces among others. While it is tough to judge the WP7 marketplace overall at this stage, it is interesting to note that [...]
Tetris Review
Tetris ($ 4.99, free trial available) Tetris is just how you remember it: tons of fun. The touch control in this game is really, really good: tap on the right of the falling tile and it turns clockwise; tap on the left and it turns counter-clockwise; drag the tile down and it falls to the [...]
Top of the taps: 7 “best of” articles to get you started
Browsing around, you can find several best of articles that help you select the top apps from the Windows Phone 7 marketplace. After careful selection, we have chosen the best 7 ones. Go ahead and fill up your start menu with great apps! Gizmodo: Windows Phone 7 Essential Apps, Reviewed One of the best essential [...]

Flixster Review
Flixster (free app) Flixster on Windows Phone is simply the best way to decide what movie to go see at the theater. It is a free app and currently ranked #14 in the top downloads overall, making it a popular choice. If you have never seen this app on other phones, there are 2 main [...]

Bing Visual Search for Windows Phone 7 Apps
Bing has come out with a great way to visualize the apps on the Windows Phone 7 marketplace. To get there, you can just type “Windows Phone 7 Apps” on the Bing decision (!) engine and then select the Visual Search tab: After you follow the link, a full and gratifying experience will help you [...]
Hello, Windows Phone 7 World
Useful and interesting phone apps are tough to find! In a small marketplace like Windows Phone 7 it might be easier, but it will eventually become hard as the number of apps grows. This blog will highlight some cool apps, giving also tools and pointers to find the best ones out there.