bestwp7apps | Nov 05, 2011 | Comments 0
Crazy Casino (Free) |
Jake Poznanski, the developer of WP7 best sellers, incuding Solitaire, Mars Runner and Word Search, is back!
Crazy Casino is a simple casino game with Slots and Video Poker.
The gameplay is simple but entertaining just right: the chances of winning are high enough to keep you going and low enough not to get dull.
As you play, you earn tokens to unlock more slots and different poker game types. There is not too much brain to apply here, though: spin the wheel or hold the higher cards and tap again.
Graphics are super-solid (as usual), but sound could be better.
Crazy Casino is cute and fun game, but does not have a lasting appeal due to the limited modes available and its simplicity.
The author is synonym with solid games on Windows Phone 7, and the game is free, so you should definitely give it a tap.

Genre |
games |
Rank |
24 |
Rating Avg. |
4.5 Stars |
# Reviews |
305 |
Price |
Free |
Version |
1.0 |

Filed Under: 3 Stars • App Reviews • Featured • Games